Not all Chiropractors are created equal. From an insider’s perspective (my husband is a Chiropractor, and we are close friends with many other DC’s who practice differently), not every chiropractor is right for everyone. You may have never seen a Chiropractor before, or you are looking for a change in DC. Either way, to find the right Chiropractor for you, follow these easy steps.
- Ask Questions. You know what you want, either in results or in a Chiropractic method. Call around to different DCs, ask questions. If you know a Chiropractor from another location, call them and ask if they know someone in your area. You can also ask for recommendations online in forums, like on Facebook, or read reviews on Yelp.
- Vitalistic vs Mechanistic. This is where philosophy comes in. The founders of Chiropractic, B.J. Palmer and his father D.D. Palmer both gave full credit to the innate intelligence that runs every cell of your body.
“The power that made the body heals the body.” – B.J. Palmer
This is vitalism: the theory that the origin and phenomena of life are dependent on a force or principle distinct from purely chemical or physical forces. Mechanism focuses solely on the nuts and bolts of physical reality and nothing beyond. - Look for integrity. They have to be practicing what they preach. Ask them who they get adjusted by and how often.
- They acknowledge the importance of other healthcare professions, such as massage, nutrition, physical therapy and medicine when needed, but do not try to offer these services themselves. A Jack Of All Trades is a master of none.
- Insurance shouldn’t be a factor in how you’re adjusted. Make sure their recommendations in terms of treatment has nothing to do with how much your insurance will pay. If they say, “your insurance covers 24 visits, so we’ll give you 24 visits,” that obviously isn’t meeting your need. Make sure they are considering what YOU need & want while using Insurance as the tool (not the determining factor) that it is.
- Subluxations: A DC should know what it is, how to find, how to correct and when not to adjust. A subluxation is a bone or joint that is causing unnecessary mechanical stress on the nervous system. A DC should be able to find them, and correct only subluxations. Not all misalignments are subluxations. Many times the body will “misalign” when it’s compensating for a problem in another area. This compensation is a normal and healthy response to keep the body functional when the problem is present. If a chiropractor adjusts a misalignment without addressing the problem, a persons body will just misalign right back out until the compensation is no longer necessary.
- You’re the healer, not the Chiropractor. Your body built itself from a single cell and knows how to heal. In fact, you’re the only one that can heal you. All the chiropractor can do is help reduce and eliminate mechanical interference in the nervous system. This allows for your body to heal more easily. It’s important for your chiropractor to know this in order to allow your body to do what it does best.